Creative Writing for the New Year

In Creative Writing, Shrewsbury Library, Shropshire by Kateinnes_123.@hW

Are you thinking about spilling some ink this year? Or maybe you prefer the keyboard?

Either way – writing can be a great way to get things off your chest. Expression is very important for mental health. For some people that happens through music making, acting, sport, home decoration, conversation, DIY, craft or art – but for some of us – writing is the best way to get those thoughts and feelings out.

As a follow up to my conversation with Clare Ashford on Radio Shropshire on 3/1/24 at approx 11:20 get (link) I have compiled this list of creative writing courses and opportunities in Shropshire or Online over the next few months. There’s lots to choose from and all the instructors are writers I know and trust. They will be reliable guides into the surprising and exciting realm of your creative subconscious.

I’m also thinking of offering a writing course later in the year – once I’ve finished editing my next book. If you’d like to hear about that and other opportunities/events – do sign up to my email newsletter. I only send out emails about 6 times per year, and promise not to clog your inbox with junk!

So scan the opportunities below and see which appeals. I began my journey into professional writing with a course at the Gateway Arts Centre in Shrewsbury. Maybe one of these opportunities will turn into a lifelong joy for you, as it did for me!

Online 10 week Creative Writing class taught by the excellent Janie Mitchell through Adult Learning Wales on Wednesday mornings. Free if you live in Wales – £162.50 fee if not.

Jean Atkin runs two creative writing courses per year, called ‘The Poetry Wire’. The first one is fully booked but get in there early for the second one of 2024. She’s brill!

The lovely and insightful Pat Edwards runs ‘Touch Paper’ writing workshops every month at the Poetry Pharmacy in Bishops Castle (see below) Sun 28th Jan 12.30-2.30 at the Poetry Pharmacy £10 inc coffee and cake plus a resource pack to take away.

As many will know, The Poetry Pharmacy in Bishop’s Castle is a creative writing hub for Shropshire and the Borders, as well as being a beautiful shop and delicious literary café. Founder Deb Alma says: we hosted 34 writing and/ or arts for health workshops here in 2023, including ‘Touch Paper’ plus 15 online sessions, and in the next couple of weeks we’ll be starting to put together a programme for next year. They tend to get going from February. Best thing is to sign up to our newsletter from our website

Speaking of hubs – Shrewsbury Library is a great one! There you will find Bethany Rivers, who specialises in writing for mental and spiritual wellbeing through Mindful Words. She says: I’m running a creative writing course on Thursday mornings, starting 4th Jan, 10am – 12.30 for 12 weeks, online, £215. And I’m doing a 6 week writing for wellbeing course at Shrewsbury Library, Friday afternoons, 2-4pm, starting 26th Jan. £95. Contact Bethany at to sign up for either the in person or online courses.

Hope you enjoy surprising yourself with what you create. I certainly did!